Yussss June is the best <3 I only have Ida to offer right now, but in the same year + Transfig club so they definitely know each other? I thinkkk we've established Poppy Dashwood and Ida as dorm mates and friends.
In a lot of ways they can get on. Both can be reserved at first but passionate about the right topic. Ida doesn't blink an eye at the morbid from a pure intellectual/'wow that's fascinating' pov. Since Ida prefers practical magic (transfig, charms, dada) I could totally see them like, practicing dueling together or something? Or they have a weird interest in unusual objects and Ida unearths something from her dad's warehouse of shipments from the East? bahaha.
That said they also contradict each other in many delightful ways
Are they like the devil and angel on Poppy's shoulders?! haha. Ida isn't a total prude because she can be vocal and gutsy among friends, but she's never been kissed herself, and thinks most men are trash. I could see her enabling their antics though (purely from a "well now you got me curious..." standpoint), or if it's for a righteous cause like spite <3. But she'd be scared of being the center of attention if they wanted to make a scene, or to take a big risk with lots of unknowns. She'd be complaining the whole way there x)
In a lot of ways they can get on. Both can be reserved at first but passionate about the right topic. Ida doesn't blink an eye at the morbid from a pure intellectual/'wow that's fascinating' pov. Since Ida prefers practical magic (transfig, charms, dada) I could totally see them like, practicing dueling together or something? Or they have a weird interest in unusual objects and Ida unearths something from her dad's warehouse of shipments from the East? bahaha.
That said they also contradict each other in many delightful ways