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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This is: Don Juan
S'up Bruv!
He would know about Chris's own publication history, he could have published one of her books under her pseudonym which was perhaps considered too gruesome in some circles.

I also suggest the idea of cyrano-ing Porphyria! Chris will be doing it - it's just a case of if Brother wants to be a co-conspirator.

He probably gets invited to things Ginny throws as he counts as one of her 'daring' invitees - like right on the boarder between the right kind of fun and just a bit too scandalous, but he gets invites to things.

He and his buddies could be regular drinkers at Roses - pretty girls, strong drinks and it 'passes' as an artistic scene because of the singing - there are boys on the downlow as well.

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory

Messages In This Thread
This is: Don Juan - by Don Juan Dempsey [Bree] - January 9, 2022 – 4:03 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Clarissa Cosgrove - January 9, 2022 – 4:12 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Reuben Crouch - January 9, 2022 – 12:17 PM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Mabel Brighton - January 14, 2022 – 7:08 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Christabel Daphnel - January 17, 2022 – 4:59 PM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Elias Grimstone - January 27, 2022 – 1:41 PM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Dorothea Twycross - January 31, 2022 – 2:14 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Aidan McLoughlin - February 5, 2022 – 4:46 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Holly Scrimgeour - February 5, 2022 – 5:46 AM
RE: This is: Don Juan - by Ozymandias Dempsey - February 5, 2022 – 1:49 PM
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