From the load of small talk that he'd just been making before he stepped over here, Faustus opened his mouth to jovially proclaim that he was quite well and enjoying himself in the lovely evening his aunt had planned. But with one look at her, he thought he might have seen a glimmer of the healer that had been so worried for him back when she'd been treating Dorset. And so with a sigh and slight glance towards the cieling as if releasing himself from the obligation to chat the same thing over and over, Faustus grinned lazily. "Quite tired." He said, though the fact that he'd escaped small talk by the skin of his teeth aiding his energy to return. "The holidays are rather a busy season all around."
He lowered his glance back down to her. "I hope it hasn't been the same for you at the hospital?" He asked, though from what he'd heard from his friend there, it had been equally as busy. Faustus found himself wishing he'd been able to stop and visit her, but they'd been able to chat enough earlier at Mrs. Bagshot's dinner party that he hadn't wanted to overwhelm her.
He lowered his glance back down to her. "I hope it hasn't been the same for you at the hospital?" He asked, though from what he'd heard from his friend there, it had been equally as busy. Faustus found himself wishing he'd been able to stop and visit her, but they'd been able to chat enough earlier at Mrs. Bagshot's dinner party that he hadn't wanted to overwhelm her.