As Nee continued on to talk about ‘after that’ though, Basil felt a laugh of alarm bubble up in his throat. He bit it back, not wanting the other to think he was laughing at him, but… there was zero chance there would ever be an ‘after that’ for him. Basil wasn’t sure he even wanted there to be, honestly. Women in general seemed like a lot of work. That said, he knew it was the expectation of him and he had the same fears that Eldritch was vocalizing.
Basil nodded. “I’m only good at things that I can read out of a book and practice first. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I ever had to kiss someone on the spot without practice!” He balked at the very idea.“There’s probably a secret to it,” he added, pensively. “Maybe it’s not as hard as we think it is?”
Basil had very limited experience with the topic of kissing and relationships. He knew…biologically they were wired to feel something when it happened. It was supposed to indicate compatibility of some kind he guessed because usually people who married also kissed, right? He’d never spent much time reading about it and now he wished he had. Maybe he could have shared something with Nee that would make the both of them feel better.
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Eldritch Morgan
Eldritch Morgan