Clarissa had now seen much more of this man than she had ever wished to see of any man. She kept her face covered with her hands, assuming he was trying to get those pants back on now. Hopefully. "What are you doing in here without your pants then?" Clarissa asked. "Even if you are not robbing our hosts, it is rather rude."
Clarissa's hands moved away from her face as she moved slightly towards him in mild concern. She wasn't a monster, after all. She might have reddened his hands at the Market but she hardly wanted him breaking his neck. "Are you all right? I certainly didn't expect to find you here, though." She didn't bother actually answering his question. Letting a man know that she sometimes needed to find a bathroom would be unladylike. Even if all she had needed of it this time was a mirror.
Clarissa's hands moved away from her face as she moved slightly towards him in mild concern. She wasn't a monster, after all. She might have reddened his hands at the Market but she hardly wanted him breaking his neck. "Are you all right? I certainly didn't expect to find you here, though." She didn't bother actually answering his question. Letting a man know that she sometimes needed to find a bathroom would be unladylike. Even if all she had needed of it this time was a mirror.