Character: Alexander Echelon
They inherited their moral compass from... Life experience
Their default level of inhibition is... Moderately low though he tends to behave in public.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? Yes
...drink liquor? Yes
...take opium? Yes
...take other drugs? Probably has tried most things at least once.
...smoke? Yes
Their drink of choice is: Brandy
Their relaxation method of choice is: spending time with his animals.
Would they have sex for... No
...favors? Probably has by accident.
...something else? See above.
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? Not very well.
How far have they gotten IC? Has had sex.
Do they know about STDs? No.
Do they know about birth control? Minimally.
Do they / would they ever use birth control? If it occured to him or if it was brought up.
Do they know gay men exist? In a vague way despite having experiences with them.
Do they know lesbians exist? Vaguely.
Have they ever been arrested? No
Have they ever committed a crime? Technically and unintentionally a couple of times but he wasn't caught.
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? It would likely happen on accident.
Do they gamble? recreationally
... on races/sporting events? Yes
... on investments? No
Do they have tattoos? No