What: Adlard Christmas Party
Who: Percival & Annabeth Adlard
Dept. R&COMC Employees & Morwenna Skeeter
Neighbors: Evander Darrow, Caroline Darrow, Margaret Goyle (Percy had no say in the invitation list)
Friends: Quincey Honeyduke & Mason Skeeter
NPCs: Percy's sister Catherine Smith
If I missed someone let me know - especially if they know Annabeth and/or would make Percy feel more awkward.
Cost: N/A
Where: The Adlard home in Irvingly
Why: It's the holidays and Annabeth felt that Percy really ought to put himself out there with his coworkers or something like that, he is clearly unsure what he did to deserve this. (It's because Fallin wanted to see him squirm).
When: December 17
Contact Player(s): Fallin
Pretties from Lady <3