I hope so. I've already spoken to some of the interns already, so at least they will know my name.
There is always a chance of making mistakes. That's something that I took from Hogwarts, probably better than any NEWT, or maybe I just say that because I'll never get mine. I think if you wanted to, you could do anything (or well, most things, I should say. I wouldn't expect you to suddenly invent a method of becoming a Metamorphmagus rather than being born one!)
It would be interesting to be in the International department, but I thought I'd need to be much stronger in languages, and with most of my focus going to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration...well, I never had time for learning French or anything other language, and being able to speak without charms is likely part of the job. Though I suppose I might have time now. Do you think becoming fluent in a language takes very long?
There was a restricted section at Hogwarts, so maybe Dark magic? Or perhaps they're worried the average patron of the library will come to spill his lunch on a rare book from 1485. Though I suppose if I ask to borrow a relevantly recent one about something simpler. Maybe a textbook for first years, only in French or some other language, would be a good start. I'll update you on my progress when I can.
If you do ever need any help when it comes to your studies, I do have some of my notes. I don't know how legible they'll be, but they might be helpful?
Mr. Addison Chatham