Faustus frowned slightly, turning back to her. "Perhaps some fresh air then," He murmured, partially to himself but ended up voicing it out loud, and he glanced to her. He had half a mind to insist they take at least a turn about the room, but they would still remain inside a place that seemed to be heating up by the very second. He didn't wish to startle her or force her to where she didn't want to go - certainly if she wished for some peace, perhaps he would call another time.
"Or if you would prefer to rest, I shouldn't want to keep you." He added quickly. After all, he'd taken her by surprise by his entrance, and it appeared that Mrs. Bagshot might not be home for quite some time. He wouldn't want to overstay whatever welcome he'd been granted by entering without sending a calling card first.
He withdrew his pocket watch and glanced at it briefly before re-pocketing it and refocusing on her. They'd just been discussing the merits of music, and while they had their own opinions on the topic, he now knew she had quite the knack for it. Certainly more than he ever did. And he had so unceremoniously interrupted her in her practice.
"Or if you would prefer to rest, I shouldn't want to keep you." He added quickly. After all, he'd taken her by surprise by his entrance, and it appeared that Mrs. Bagshot might not be home for quite some time. He wouldn't want to overstay whatever welcome he'd been granted by entering without sending a calling card first.
He withdrew his pocket watch and glanced at it briefly before re-pocketing it and refocusing on her. They'd just been discussing the merits of music, and while they had their own opinions on the topic, he now knew she had quite the knack for it. Certainly more than he ever did. And he had so unceremoniously interrupted her in her practice.