"Should the opportunity arise, I shall take you up on it!" He replied genuinely. "Talk of music is always a welcome subject." A touch of worry dripped into his stomach as he observed her cheeks flush. His eyes quickly flicked to the window behind her, noting that the sun was still streaming into the room. He'd noted the temperature in the room rising a bit, but he hadn't noticed it had risen that much.
"Are you quite alright, Miss Skovgaard?" He inquired, his brows furrowing as he involuntarily stepped towards her. He had noted she always seemed to have a health flush about her, but something about this time around worried him; an emotion he hadn't truly felt in a while. Leading his life with concern for others was natural to feel in his line of work - it was something that drove him to give those who sought out justice and closure. With that was always a certain degree with which he held back for his own sanity, and he had always been acutely aware of that.
But lately he'd been noticing a pattern wherein the concern for Miss Skovgaard's well-being had turned into something else. Before he could pause to evaluate, he found himself within two steps away from her, hand partially outstretched. Remembering his place, his hand dropped back down and he stepped back.
"Shall I call for someone?" He automatically turned to look over his shoulder for the maid that had been stationed as a chaperone at the opposite end of the room.
"Are you quite alright, Miss Skovgaard?" He inquired, his brows furrowing as he involuntarily stepped towards her. He had noted she always seemed to have a health flush about her, but something about this time around worried him; an emotion he hadn't truly felt in a while. Leading his life with concern for others was natural to feel in his line of work - it was something that drove him to give those who sought out justice and closure. With that was always a certain degree with which he held back for his own sanity, and he had always been acutely aware of that.
But lately he'd been noticing a pattern wherein the concern for Miss Skovgaard's well-being had turned into something else. Before he could pause to evaluate, he found himself within two steps away from her, hand partially outstretched. Remembering his place, his hand dropped back down and he stepped back.
"Shall I call for someone?" He automatically turned to look over his shoulder for the maid that had been stationed as a chaperone at the opposite end of the room.