It wasn't a surprise that she'd been exposed to the musical arts at an early age, seeing as it was quite the norm. All his children had learned the piano, though Faustus couldn't bring himself to quite force them to continue. Iris had been quite taken with the piano but Edelweiss hadn't wanted to continue past her second year in Hogwarts. And Mezereon tended to follow after Iris, though he had to wonder how long that would last. As the subject swiveled dangerously back towards the topic of his abysmal time playing musical instruments, Faustus laughed again, gesturing towards the piano. "The very instrument you sit at, Miss Skovgaard," He replied, though he prayed to Merlin that she wouldn't insist on him playing. They didn't need him embarrassing himself so early in the afternoon.
"And I'm afraid what I've retained of it is very little." He added, so as to dissuade her from potentially asking. "But perhaps I may attempt to learn again, if the urge strikes."
"And I'm afraid what I've retained of it is very little." He added, so as to dissuade her from potentially asking. "But perhaps I may attempt to learn again, if the urge strikes."