The barest hint of a flush that bloomed in her cheeks at the mention of the symphony was enough confirmation for Faustus that he’d been correct. Though he was certainly not musically gifted enough to play the piano beyond a few chord progressions he’d learned as a child, he did have a taste for it and found himself smiling that the song that played the night they’d met was not only following him around, but her as well.
“Nonsense,” He countered, waving his hand to dismiss her excuse, for he found her playing quite lovely. And besides, he had absolutely no room to pass judgement even if he was inclined to. “Music, whether it be alone on one sole instrument or on many has its own charm to it. I’ve always found that what matters is the player.”
“Nonsense,” He countered, waving his hand to dismiss her excuse, for he found her playing quite lovely. And besides, he had absolutely no room to pass judgement even if he was inclined to. “Music, whether it be alone on one sole instrument or on many has its own charm to it. I’ve always found that what matters is the player.”