Nemo's displeasure was obvious, but Penny didn't fully understand why he was against Zelda's happiness. Mr. Darrow was an untraditional choice, that much wasn't debatable, but Zelda's obvious joy today also was an absolute fact. What could have possibly happened to have soured Nemo so terribly against his favorite sister?
"I have, thanks." Penny commented, her confusion evident. When she had gotten dressed that morning it was with the belief that today would be an amazing day with him, one of the rare few they got to share publicly. Meanwhile, he had obviously drank too much and might as well have attended a funeral with his mood.
Penny dropped his hand and looked out towards the rolling sea. "She's your sister, you have to fake it for a few more hours still," she reminded him though she was unable to mask her own disappointment.
"I have, thanks." Penny commented, her confusion evident. When she had gotten dressed that morning it was with the belief that today would be an amazing day with him, one of the rare few they got to share publicly. Meanwhile, he had obviously drank too much and might as well have attended a funeral with his mood.
Penny dropped his hand and looked out towards the rolling sea. "She's your sister, you have to fake it for a few more hours still," she reminded him though she was unable to mask her own disappointment.