Nemo grimaced; yes her last experience with the sea had certainly not gone so well and it had nearly undone him. She moved on with the conversation and he was more than happy to push forward— until she circled back to the wedding itself and he scowled a bit more.
He made a noncommittal noise of derision and thanked the lord above his glass was empty, otherwise he would have shot it down just to avoid saying something. "I hope you get the chance to tell her yourself." He managed, trying to sound somewhat sincere. Nemo just couldn't wrap his head around it, around the finality of what had happened tonight, but he wasn't about to say anything too damning now.
He made a noncommittal noise of derision and thanked the lord above his glass was empty, otherwise he would have shot it down just to avoid saying something. "I hope you get the chance to tell her yourself." He managed, trying to sound somewhat sincere. Nemo just couldn't wrap his head around it, around the finality of what had happened tonight, but he wasn't about to say anything too damning now.