His expression would have been one of relief had they not been in a room filling up with water and threatening to drown them at any moment. That she answered at all was a relief and he nodded, tightening his grip around her waist as she leaned into him.
His eyes moved from making sure she was alright to desperately searching for a way out. The water level was just high enough that the wall that had once met the roof over their head was just out of their reach. But perhaps if he could hoist her up, she would be able to get to safety.
”If I lift you up, would you be able to reach the top of that wall?” He asked, nodding his head towards the corner of the wall where the two sides met.
His eyes moved from making sure she was alright to desperately searching for a way out. The water level was just high enough that the wall that had once met the roof over their head was just out of their reach. But perhaps if he could hoist her up, she would be able to get to safety.
”If I lift you up, would you be able to reach the top of that wall?” He asked, nodding his head towards the corner of the wall where the two sides met.