Something hard hit the back of Malou's head, most likely the wall, she would have cried out in pain if she hadn't been under the water, but as it was her eyes saw sparks of light beyond the darkness. Then something warm held her hand, tugged her arm over broad shoulders and a soaking coat. Mr. Faustus. She held on to that thought as her head ached and black edges encroached on her already darkened vision.
His strong arms pulled her out from the water, which Malou rather unceremiously began coughing up lungfuls of salt water. Admist the coughing and kicking against layers of wet skirts all Malou could manage was to croak "Yes/"
He pulled her slightly and her legs kicking for purchase were able to find something strong under them for her toes to balance on. Had it been any other day she would have been entirely too embarassed at the mere thought, but this night was nothing like a normal day, and so she sagged into Mr. Prewett. "We need to get out of here." The supplies were a lost cause, all she could hope for now was that she could keep Mr. Prewett from further harm.
His strong arms pulled her out from the water, which Malou rather unceremiously began coughing up lungfuls of salt water. Admist the coughing and kicking against layers of wet skirts all Malou could manage was to croak "Yes/"
He pulled her slightly and her legs kicking for purchase were able to find something strong under them for her toes to balance on. Had it been any other day she would have been entirely too embarassed at the mere thought, but this night was nothing like a normal day, and so she sagged into Mr. Prewett. "We need to get out of here." The supplies were a lost cause, all she could hope for now was that she could keep Mr. Prewett from further harm.