Well at least she wasn't outraged. Disappointed it seemed, which hopefully he could rectify with his explanation. "According to the law, yes." In no other way did he feel married, other than he had inherited the world's most patient in-laws. While Astrild had abandoned them, the rest of the Fraser family had stepped in to help him raise Theseus, and for that he could not be more grateful. Still it left him in a sticky situation.
"I'm sure you remember the Amortentia letter incident a few years back." Merlin he wished she would sit down, or he could stand up without it being awkward. Being on different levels left him off kilter and needing to fidget. "I did not remember being involved, the potion was particularly potent apparently, and I did not find out until several months later when Theseus' mother was on my doorstep, with a marriage license and in labor." That had been a true shock. It was also where things got weird.
"It sounds unbelievable, but she was an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries and she tried to go back in time to reverse the... Situation she had found herself in. Needles to say it didn't work, and she gave birth regardless." Eugene felt like he was rambling, but he needed to get it all out. " I tried to do the right thing, I took them in, took care of everything, tried to become a husband and a father practically overnight, it was a long strained year or trying to make it work, but shortly after his first birthday, she left, abandoned Theseus with me, for a hedge coven in Scandinavia with no word. I found out from her parents a week later." Leaving him was one thing, but leaving Theseus was another thing entirely. Eugene had a hard time forgiving or forgetting that and he had no idea what he would do if Astrild ever showed up again, but it would be an ugly battle.
"I need to wait a full two years to divorce on the grounds of abandonment. I haven't heard from her in eighteen months." He was so close, but Miss MacFusty deserved the whole truth and there it was.
"I'm sure you remember the Amortentia letter incident a few years back." Merlin he wished she would sit down, or he could stand up without it being awkward. Being on different levels left him off kilter and needing to fidget. "I did not remember being involved, the potion was particularly potent apparently, and I did not find out until several months later when Theseus' mother was on my doorstep, with a marriage license and in labor." That had been a true shock. It was also where things got weird.
"It sounds unbelievable, but she was an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries and she tried to go back in time to reverse the... Situation she had found herself in. Needles to say it didn't work, and she gave birth regardless." Eugene felt like he was rambling, but he needed to get it all out. " I tried to do the right thing, I took them in, took care of everything, tried to become a husband and a father practically overnight, it was a long strained year or trying to make it work, but shortly after his first birthday, she left, abandoned Theseus with me, for a hedge coven in Scandinavia with no word. I found out from her parents a week later." Leaving him was one thing, but leaving Theseus was another thing entirely. Eugene had a hard time forgiving or forgetting that and he had no idea what he would do if Astrild ever showed up again, but it would be an ugly battle.
"I need to wait a full two years to divorce on the grounds of abandonment. I haven't heard from her in eighteen months." He was so close, but Miss MacFusty deserved the whole truth and there it was.
![[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]](https://i.ibb.co/mJQ7qh7/Eugene-Sig94.png)