Should he have? Theo had been through auror exams and interrogation training exercises that were less painful than this. “No, he shouldn’t,” he said, with the most unaffected shrug he could muster, “I gave him a promotion and all.” (And a few other things that had job in the name so were obviously totally workplace-appropriate.)
Well, this was the – worst conversation ever and he needed to change the subject now, so he added swiftly, “– so what do you do?” And if that didn’t work, then... maybe Theo should sacrifice the last of his pride, continue as he’d begun, and just try to lose this chess game as (inconspicuously) quickly as humanly possible. At least he hadn’t yet stooped low enough to make that the Cannons’ tactic for a quidditch match, Theo thought miserably, moving another piece.
Well, this was the – worst conversation ever and he needed to change the subject now, so he added swiftly, “– so what do you do?” And if that didn’t work, then... maybe Theo should sacrifice the last of his pride, continue as he’d begun, and just try to lose this chess game as (inconspicuously) quickly as humanly possible. At least he hadn’t yet stooped low enough to make that the Cannons’ tactic for a quidditch match, Theo thought miserably, moving another piece.