September 20th, 1891
For me, I think the attack was worse. I don't mean to disagree with you — I don't, actually, disagree with you — but I was so ill after the attack, and by the time the transformation came around I think I didn't have the energy to be afraid of it anymore. I do feel like my life before was entirely different — it takes over everything, doesn't it? I'm always thinking about it, and I'm lucky, because most people don't know.
I've been counting from the attack, but — maybe there's two anniversaries. You and I weren't particularly lucky in autumns, I suppose.
J became an animagus. His theory was that werewolves tend to leave animals alone — which was true — and that It may not be hostile to a person in animagus form. So he's been sitting with me during full moon nights, and — it's been working. I'm really very worried that I'm going to hurt him, but I think It has been less agitated, and — he tells me that nothing's happened so far. Of course I don't remember, so I have to believe him.
Your Friend,
set by MJ!