There are many different things to do at the Ministry. Perhaps you would find one of the positions more interesting than either healing or farming, though I must admit that it's quite a change. There are so many people working at the Ministry, and I'm not sure what most of them do, unless they're in my department. But if you ever have any questions I'd be happy to pester someone for you, or answer them myself. Honestly, I discovered last year that much of it depends on how you do on your OWLs, which was quite frightening to hear. Perhaps you'll get better grades than me and be able to become a Hit Witch!
I've done countless temporary connections by now. They're for when someone decides they would like to Floo somewhere, but not keep it up permanently. Perhaps in a Muggle rented home, for example. Or if someone wants to turn their connection off for a period of time, say if they were going on vacation and didn't want any unexpected visitors in the house while they're out. Most places keep their Floo connected and just use some sort of gate, I suppose because it's a bit of an inconvenience to have someone from my department come out to their house. I heard that someone was working on technology to do it remotely, which would definitely make my days a lot easier.
It would be nice to be head of the office, at least one day. I suppose it would mean I have a better understanding of my job than I do right now, and it would be a step up from being considered one of the lowest around here. If I am to ever become Minister of Magic (highly unlikely, but one can dream) being head of my office would certainly make me seem more professional, I think. A lot of people already look down on me because of my background. I miss Hogwarts--it didn't seem to matter as much what my parents' financial status was.
It does sound nice to visit America, or even Spain, though I'd be a bit concerned about not being understood. Even in America, I hear the accents are rather different enough to make communication near impossible at times. I would hope that you would send me a postcard or two of such wonderful places, if you do make it over there.
Mr. Chatham