Respecting Daniel's death and Fallon's subsequent mourning was the correct option, she knew. However, Fallon couldn't help but feel as though things would fall apart again between now and then. They'd had so few stretches of lasting peace that she wasn't sure they ever would. This was, obviously, unlikely as they were still determined to get married. However, the fact of her reluctance remained.
"Okay," she agreed, leaning forward to kiss him softly. "October then. You, me, our family." Nothing elaborate or heavily populated. Fallon would likely only have Malou and Kieran standing with her for it. Perhaps some of Kieran's friends. "Ireland straight after."
"Okay," she agreed, leaning forward to kiss him softly. "October then. You, me, our family." Nothing elaborate or heavily populated. Fallon would likely only have Malou and Kieran standing with her for it. Perhaps some of Kieran's friends. "Ireland straight after."