Ford still wasn't sure where Gallivan was going with this (the chess game, not the conversation — the latter seemed fairly obviously doomed to remain in the realm of comfortable small talk for the duration) but realized he probably wasn't going to have a revelation on that point during this round. Either this was some secret genius, and he wasn't going to figure it out until the trap was almost sprung, or it was haphazard, and trying to figure it out would only be a waste of his time.
"Not that I recall," Ford replied easily, as he considered which of two pieces he ought to move next. He chose one, then glanced up at Gallivan with a raised brow. "Should he have?"
"Not that I recall," Ford replied easily, as he considered which of two pieces he ought to move next. He chose one, then glanced up at Gallivan with a raised brow. "Should he have?"
Set by Lady!