I am glad the map is helpful to you. I could certainly use your help mapping out the Ministry. The lifts might be even more confusing than the staircases, and it doesn't help that other people can add directions to the machine. I swear, I've seen almost every department, and most of them I don't have much business seeing at all.
I'm also glad to hear that no one was hurt! I had my concerns that some of the first years might try to escape. Or even that some more impatient seventh years would try Apparating away and end up splinched. We have been rather busy, even without accidental splichings. I don't have enough experience yet to deal with the train situasion, so I don't know exactly what it is that made it break down. Something about combining magic with Muggle technology, maybe. Other than getting lost in the building, working with the Floo Network Authority is rather interesting. Mostly I'm connecting fireplaces for temporary connections, which is more fascinating than I thought it would be. Perhaps I could show you some time? I don't think it's too secret.
As for growth at my new job, it embarrasses me to say that I already am at a similar financial level to my father, which is already quite impressive, I think. Farther (or is it further?) than I thought I would get, truthfully. I suppose I could eventually become the head of my office if I work hard enough and enough of my co-workers or bosses think I'm up to it. It would take a few years, of course. I doubt many would be happy to work under someone as young as I am. It's not likely, but maybe in 35 years or so I might be the Minister of Magic. I think the first thing I'd do is make Hogwarts free to attend for all students, for all years. Wouldn't it have been nice if someone thought this way 40 or so years ago?
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling pressure so early in the year. I felt much the same, especially after receiving letters from my parents on the subject of OWLs and Ministry departments. Honestly, I'm not sure what advice I could give when it comes to what happens after leaving school. I was certain I only wanted to be a healer, and that the Ministry would be boring and dreadful. Now that I'm here, it's not quite as bad as I thought. Still, one does wonder what might have been. This traveling healer thing does sound promising. Could you do it with only your OWLs? Where would you travel to?
If you do decide that mediwitch-ing or healer work isn't for you, it would be nice to work with you. Infinitely more pleasant than working with my colleague Mr. Johnson, who seems to be at least a century old and (perhaps as a result?) under the impression I am an infant. Though I am told it's rather interesting in the Spirit Division, provided you decided to take Ghoul Studies when you were a third year.
Mr. Chatham