Ross smiled drily at the first half of her response; he was somewhat relieved that she didn't have a passion for fashion. (Although she did not look like the type.) Fashion was one of the few things that essentially never came across the Minister's desk, which was a relief — he was sure that it would have been more relevant had his secretary also assisted his wife.
"I believe our compensation to be superior to the House of Lytton," Ross said smoothly. (This was not something he had checked on, but it seemed likely, and if it wasn't true then he was willing to invest more in the Minister's office so that he had a permanent secretary who was not Mr. Macmillan.)
"And things are likely to be less — singularly focused, than a fashion house. That is to say, things change every day at the Ministry, and we are often balancing multiple responsibilities at once. How do you manage multitasking?"
"I believe our compensation to be superior to the House of Lytton," Ross said smoothly. (This was not something he had checked on, but it seemed likely, and if it wasn't true then he was willing to invest more in the Minister's office so that he had a permanent secretary who was not Mr. Macmillan.)
"And things are likely to be less — singularly focused, than a fashion house. That is to say, things change every day at the Ministry, and we are often balancing multiple responsibilities at once. How do you manage multitasking?"