Ford turned his wand around and rested the edge of it between his teeth for a moment as he considered the glass in front of them. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "If it only ends the way in and out, it might make it harder for them to rescue us once someone notices we're in here." Having point this out, he had a sudden thought which made him frown. "Assuming they want to rescue us."
Why would they have a mirror like this, anyway? Spirit mirrors didn't trap living people — so this was something that worked on a different kind of charm than what Ford was familiar with. Had the magic gotten mixed up on accident, or had they created this mirror intentionally to try and trap someone? That would almost certainly be illegal... but this was Knockturn, so there was no way of saying for sure.
If they'd wanted to trap someone, though, Ford couldn't imagine that he and Dodonus had been the intended targets. What would they do if they discovered their illegal-kidnapping-mirror was full of accidental victims? Probably nothing good.
Why would they have a mirror like this, anyway? Spirit mirrors didn't trap living people — so this was something that worked on a different kind of charm than what Ford was familiar with. Had the magic gotten mixed up on accident, or had they created this mirror intentionally to try and trap someone? That would almost certainly be illegal... but this was Knockturn, so there was no way of saying for sure.
If they'd wanted to trap someone, though, Ford couldn't imagine that he and Dodonus had been the intended targets. What would they do if they discovered their illegal-kidnapping-mirror was full of accidental victims? Probably nothing good.
Set by Lady!