Emrys bit back a smile. It wasn't entirely done until he'd talked to her parents about it, but he liked his chances this time around. Their first real conversation had been at Liliana's wedding, after all, so it was unlikely that her parents would hold Liliana's existence against him (which he was still rather bitter about, since he'd had nothing to do with it).
"Delightful," he said approvingly. "Acknowledging that neither of us have a good deal of experience in such matters, perhaps we ought to leave it at that... though I am given to understand that a finishing education may cover some of the finer points. In your expert opinion, then, how long is sufficient to form a proper attachment?" he asked, one eyebrow raised. He couldn't come right out and say how soon can I propose, of course, but that was essentially what he wanted to know.
"Delightful," he said approvingly. "Acknowledging that neither of us have a good deal of experience in such matters, perhaps we ought to leave it at that... though I am given to understand that a finishing education may cover some of the finer points. In your expert opinion, then, how long is sufficient to form a proper attachment?" he asked, one eyebrow raised. He couldn't come right out and say how soon can I propose, of course, but that was essentially what he wanted to know.
Lou made this! <3