"Forgive me," she teased, "if I do not quite believe your sincerity."
Rufina looked fondly at her daughter, a tightening in her chest at the realization that Flora—her dear, dear Flora—was truly growing up. This latest change struck the mother far harder than her daughter's departure to Hogwarts; Flora was a woman now. In a few short years, Rufina thought with a tinge of bitterness, Flora would be married, with a household of her own.
It was slightly more terrifying than it was exciting.
Rufina looked fondly at her daughter, a tightening in her chest at the realization that Flora—her dear, dear Flora—was truly growing up. This latest change struck the mother far harder than her daughter's departure to Hogwarts; Flora was a woman now. In a few short years, Rufina thought with a tinge of bitterness, Flora would be married, with a household of her own.
It was slightly more terrifying than it was exciting.

— graphics by mj ❤ —