Ford may not have ever experienced that dizzying series of events, but it wasn't difficult to piece together what had happened. Everything around the pair of them was dark and formless, except for the floating surface of the mirror through which the shop beyond was visible. Ford reached out to touch the glass with two fingers, gingerly feeling to determine whether or not it was solid.
"Well, fuck," he breathed. This was not particularly helpful, nor an answer to either of Dodonus' questions, but it was as much as Ford felt capable of given the circumstances. He looked around, wondering if this was an illusion, but saw nothing to indicate that it was.
"I'm surprised there's a floor," he mused as he stared down at whatever they were standing on. He couldn't see anything particularly, but he could certainly feel it beneath his feet. "Spirits wouldn't need one."
"Well, fuck," he breathed. This was not particularly helpful, nor an answer to either of Dodonus' questions, but it was as much as Ford felt capable of given the circumstances. He looked around, wondering if this was an illusion, but saw nothing to indicate that it was.
"I'm surprised there's a floor," he mused as he stared down at whatever they were standing on. He couldn't see anything particularly, but he could certainly feel it beneath his feet. "Spirits wouldn't need one."

Set by Lady!