"Thank you," Emrys said with a genuine grin. He was proud of the house, which only stood to reason since he'd been deeply involved in the renovations and refitting of everything once he'd bought the property. It may not have been full of heritage and tradition the way some old English houses were, but the house suited his tastes and his style and he would never shy away from a chance to show it off.
Where he took her first was something of a calculated decision, though. Would she be more impressed by his art collection or the collection of horses in the stable? The house also had the typical amenities of gardens and parlors and entertaining rooms, but none of those were unique or particularly spectacular. He decided on art, both because he was unsure of Miss Cosgrove's athletic ability and because they'd been talking primarily about the house, not the grounds, and going through his art collection also involved showing off the rooms in which they were housed.
He led Miss Cosgrove through the hallways and rooms, gratified to see the distance at which her chaperone had decided to follow. A small victory, if she trusted him enough to stay just out of earshot. He explained some of the art as he went, interspersed with anecdotes about how he'd acquired them or why. After a few moments they arrived in an upstairs parlor, whose windows overlooked the city of Bristol and the seaside beyond.
"I chose this house because of its proximity to the harbor," he explained, with a sweeping gesture towards the view. "Two of those ships are mine. That three-masted one there and the one directly behind her."
Where he took her first was something of a calculated decision, though. Would she be more impressed by his art collection or the collection of horses in the stable? The house also had the typical amenities of gardens and parlors and entertaining rooms, but none of those were unique or particularly spectacular. He decided on art, both because he was unsure of Miss Cosgrove's athletic ability and because they'd been talking primarily about the house, not the grounds, and going through his art collection also involved showing off the rooms in which they were housed.
He led Miss Cosgrove through the hallways and rooms, gratified to see the distance at which her chaperone had decided to follow. A small victory, if she trusted him enough to stay just out of earshot. He explained some of the art as he went, interspersed with anecdotes about how he'd acquired them or why. After a few moments they arrived in an upstairs parlor, whose windows overlooked the city of Bristol and the seaside beyond.
"I chose this house because of its proximity to the harbor," he explained, with a sweeping gesture towards the view. "Two of those ships are mine. That three-masted one there and the one directly behind her."

Lou made this! <3