Ford frowned, and was glad once again that he'd turned so that he knew Macnair wouldn't notice his expression. He assumed the question was meant to encompass the period of Macnair's honeymoon, but how could he actually answer it? It wasn't as though he'd have anything to do in his evenings. Macnair probably wasn't fishing around just to hear Ford admit he'd be sitting around desperately waiting for letters and pining after him while he was gone. Or maybe he was, because it surely would have been a bit of an ego boost, but even if that was what Ford would be doing he wasn't pathetic enough to admit to it out loud.
"The same thing I've been doing the past month, I s'pose," he mumbled, which was sort of the truth. Maybe he'd substitute the letters he shoved into the top drawer of his desk without sending for ones that he did send, but he'd probably still do just as much reading sad poetry and feeling sorry for himself.
He was starting to think that this had been a bad idea.
"The same thing I've been doing the past month, I s'pose," he mumbled, which was sort of the truth. Maybe he'd substitute the letters he shoved into the top drawer of his desk without sending for ones that he did send, but he'd probably still do just as much reading sad poetry and feeling sorry for himself.
He was starting to think that this had been a bad idea.
Set by Lady!