Well, it wasn't the same, but it was something. It was gratifying to hear Macnair frame it as a constraint only for tonight and not for every night moving forward, too... and it was difficult to stay annoyed about it when Macnair kept kissing him.
"Alright, then," Ford said, mollified at least for the moment. He took the pause they'd already created as a chance to turn his attention to the buttons of Macnair's shirt so that they could get undressed a little more evenly — not that it really mattered, but he didn't want Macnair to finish while he was still mostly dressed, for whatever reason. Especially if he was going to have to be careful about how he moved forward; it diminished the appeal of urgency considerably. Which wasn't to say his body wasn't still thrumming with anticipation, only that Macnair's response had shifted the focus somewhat.
"Do your worst," he said with a taunting smile.
"Alright, then," Ford said, mollified at least for the moment. He took the pause they'd already created as a chance to turn his attention to the buttons of Macnair's shirt so that they could get undressed a little more evenly — not that it really mattered, but he didn't want Macnair to finish while he was still mostly dressed, for whatever reason. Especially if he was going to have to be careful about how he moved forward; it diminished the appeal of urgency considerably. Which wasn't to say his body wasn't still thrumming with anticipation, only that Macnair's response had shifted the focus somewhat.
"Do your worst," he said with a taunting smile.
Set by Lady!