The naivety of the girl was astonishing but, ultimately, unsurprising given how Trystan had treated her all her life. Ambrosia had, in a rare moment of honesty aligning with her own preferences, pointed out to Trystan that raising Liliana alongside their legitimate children not only diminished them but would ultimately lead to his bastard daughter not knowing when it was best to keep her head down and her mouth shut.
Liliana did not have the luxury of speaking to people like this, whether she was married or not, and Ambrosia was only glad she wasn’t embarrassing herself in public.
“Nothing at all,” Ambrosia replied honestly. “At least nothing that the rest of the Selwyns weren’t also guilty of,” she stopped, a smile twisting across her lips as she looked at the girl with malicious mirth. “Is that really it? All these years you thought that all of this was about you?”
![[Image: OJ90voz.png]](
Ambrosia's got 99 problems but this hot af set from MJ ain't 1 of them