It gave Ford a little thrill to hear Macnair say rules be damned, except he knew the rules were there for a reason. It wouldn't bode well if they discarded them so quickly and easily, because that meant they'd only be more likely to continue in the future. Besides, the room probably wasn't as much of a haven as it had once been. It wasn't just an empty house anymore, and Macnair was the sort of person to have servants — even if they were discreet, or had been given instructions to avoid this room until his company had left, or even had been given the night off entirely, it wasn't as though this was as private as it had been the last time Ford was here.
"Right, well, if I undress you in your parlor I'll have Mr. Abbott to answer to," he joked. "I did promise him no one would be involved in lewd activities on the first floor."
"Right, well, if I undress you in your parlor I'll have Mr. Abbott to answer to," he joked. "I did promise him no one would be involved in lewd activities on the first floor."

Set by Lady!