Ford would take care of it. Cash had to have faith in him, because — well, mostly because this whole thing hinged on Cash having faith in him. But that didn't mean he liked it, and he suspected that he'd be a little antsy until Ford confirmed that he'd found the thing. But he had to have faith.
He shrugged his shoulders at Ford. "I'm alright," Cash said. If there was any space to tell Ford about the thing from the other day, his little reality slip when he was with Theo, it was right now. But if he did that, he was going to have to provide context, and — he really didn't want to, not when Ford was already stressed. "Promise."
He shrugged his shoulders at Ford. "I'm alright," Cash said. If there was any space to tell Ford about the thing from the other day, his little reality slip when he was with Theo, it was right now. But if he did that, he was going to have to provide context, and — he really didn't want to, not when Ford was already stressed. "Promise."
MJ made this!