Ford grinned at the Oh my hero comment, but also blushed slightly again. He was sure that this one was just Dodonus being who he was and making jokes, but if he really was like this with everyone then sooner or later someone was going to think he was serious. Hopefully it was someone sweet and fun and things just worked out for the pair of them, not someone who was likely to take offense and make a big fuss (or whose brothers were likely to take offense and make a big fuss — did Dodonus flirt with women like this? Ford wasn't sure he'd ever had the opportunity to see one way or another).
"If you could schedule your spiritual emergencies during the workday that'd be grand," Ford joked as he continued towards the back room. "Then I can get paid with more than your eyelashes and gratitude for handling them."
They'd reached the section where the mirrors were, it seemed. Ford noticed three that looked like spirit mirrors, but they still hadn't encountered a shopkeeper.
"If you could schedule your spiritual emergencies during the workday that'd be grand," Ford joked as he continued towards the back room. "Then I can get paid with more than your eyelashes and gratitude for handling them."
They'd reached the section where the mirrors were, it seemed. Ford noticed three that looked like spirit mirrors, but they still hadn't encountered a shopkeeper.

Set by Lady!