There were so many things he could have said, maybe things he should have said, but he couldn't envision anything that would have changed the outcome of the conversation. Maybe he'd feel differently in an hour, when he was still watching Greengrass from across the ballroom, reflecting on the turns in their conversation and how he could have done things differently—but here and now, he knew he couldn't change anything.
"Wednesday," he murmured, suddenly very anxious at he prospect of facing Greengrass at his own wedding. But he'd made sure the Greengrasses were on the list—more a courtesy than anything, because he hadn't honestly expected them to come with Greengrass as the head of household—so he would have to find a way to manage.
"Wednesday," he murmured, suddenly very anxious at he prospect of facing Greengrass at his own wedding. But he'd made sure the Greengrasses were on the list—more a courtesy than anything, because he hadn't honestly expected them to come with Greengrass as the head of household—so he would have to find a way to manage.