Tycho missed the way that Fords cheeks colored as his gaze traveled around the shop rather than staying on his friend. There were many interesting things, some veering to the morbid which was always a little fascinating. He would perhaps return some other time to peruse more of the items on the shelves. As it was, he was here to see the mirror.
"Ah! Then if it passes your inspection, I shall buy it. Perhaps see about setting any potential ghosts trapped inside free. And if there isn't any, tinker with it." It would be a bit of fun to poke about and see what made it tick. Perhaps repurpose it to do something a little more useful than trapping ghosts. "Your job must bring you such interesting acquaintances, I personally feel. Ghosts, creators of spirit mirrors, dementors, maybe?. Though I would always rather not come across a boggart."
"Ah! Then if it passes your inspection, I shall buy it. Perhaps see about setting any potential ghosts trapped inside free. And if there isn't any, tinker with it." It would be a bit of fun to poke about and see what made it tick. Perhaps repurpose it to do something a little more useful than trapping ghosts. "Your job must bring you such interesting acquaintances, I personally feel. Ghosts, creators of spirit mirrors, dementors, maybe?. Though I would always rather not come across a boggart."