Valerian gave an exasperated look, his gaze finally finding Greengrass' once more. "My honeymoon?" he asked, wondering how Greengrass could possibly be thinking about his wedding... Except, the longer he allowed that train of thought to settle, he remembered how upset Greengrass had been at the revelation of his engagement, and how jealous he'd been acting just days ago at the club. But still, why bring it up? Trying to figure out how long you have to concoct a plan to never see me again?, he wanted to ask, but that would have been cruel and he wasn't trying to upset Greengrass.
He pushed away from the wall, and in doing so somehow found himself closer to Greengrass than he'd been before. "It's my job to pretend to care about my honeymoon. You don't have to," he answered.
He pushed away from the wall, and in doing so somehow found himself closer to Greengrass than he'd been before. "It's my job to pretend to care about my honeymoon. You don't have to," he answered.