Juliana frowned. It wasn't that the question was a difficult one to answer; it was that he already knew the answer, so she didn't understand why he'd asked it. He'd read her work. He'd written about her work. He knew her system of pseudonyms, obscured facts and altered details to protect the identities of her subjects. He wasn't asking because he didn't know. He was asking because he wanted to be sure. But why?
"Of course," she said, balancing the tea cup in the center of her lap. She considered him a moment, thinking. "You're not still in contact with...?" ...the one who turned you, she was thinking. It was the first solution that came to mind, even though he'd already told her he wasn't. If he was trying to protect someone he might have lied, but that didn't quite fit either.
"Of course," she said, balancing the tea cup in the center of her lap. She considered him a moment, thinking. "You're not still in contact with...?" ...the one who turned you, she was thinking. It was the first solution that came to mind, even though he'd already told her he wasn't. If he was trying to protect someone he might have lied, but that didn't quite fit either.
Prof. Marlowe Forfang