Ford moved through the room, watching the ceiling. "I suppose we would," he agreed, a little wistfully. He didn't know exactly how far north one had to go to see the Northern Lights, but with his family's financial situation being what it was a trip of any variety wasn't in his near future. Or his future at all, probably. Even if he managed to get all of the girls happily married, he'd still have Mama to look after — and he was never going to be able to repay Noble for all the sacrifices he'd made for them during the past year and a half, not if he worked his whole life to do it. He couldn't be skipping off on holidays to look up at pretty lights.
"How do you know it doesn't compare?" Ford asked, looking over at Dodonus with an expression that was a little curious and a little mischievous, as if he thought perhaps he'd just caught him in a lie but wasn't sure. "Have you been to see it?"
"How do you know it doesn't compare?" Ford asked, looking over at Dodonus with an expression that was a little curious and a little mischievous, as if he thought perhaps he'd just caught him in a lie but wasn't sure. "Have you been to see it?"
Set by Lady!