Topaz smiled. "Yes, it would be an interesting twist of fate if your sister went from Miss Keene to Mrs. Keene," she allowed. This was all good-natured fun, but it did make her a bit uneasy as he continued. His tone was still light enough, but in order to remark upon her various features he had to have been paying quite a bit of attention, and Topaz wasn't used to having anyone look at her in that way. It brought a touch of color to the tops of her cheeks, but surely it didn't mean anything?
"I don't think I could have been a Miss Zabini," she returned, trying for the same levity despite the way her stomach had started fluttering. "Unless you've misjudged my age. But if you have, best not to tell me," she continued. "I gather that it's fashionable for women to be quite sensitive about those sorts of things."
"I don't think I could have been a Miss Zabini," she returned, trying for the same levity despite the way her stomach had started fluttering. "Unless you've misjudged my age. But if you have, best not to tell me," she continued. "I gather that it's fashionable for women to be quite sensitive about those sorts of things."
pinned my hopes to the summit of someday
