What: Interactive Art Exhibit
Who: Open to anyone who purchases a ticket.
Cost: Yes; tickets affordable for MC and are single-entry, meaning if you leave the event you would have to purchase another to return.
Where: Special exhibit rooms at the Museum of Magical Miscellany
Why: #art
When: July 2nd-4th
The three scenes are:
- a fantasy dungeon in which adventurers attempt to liberate a hoarde of treasure from a group of (rather offensively primitive-looking) goblins, with some skeletons & dangerous creatures lurking in the background
- a "castle in the clouds" scene where godlike youths play games with various weather effects
- a Roman gladiator scene where Muggle warriors battle a chimera surrounded by a cheering crowd.
The idea is that attendees will mostly wander through and observe from various angles, not participate - but if you insert yourself into the middle of the scene things may well get out of hand. ;)
Contact Player(s): Lynn Reuben Crouch
MJ made this <3