"Oh. Well. Then you better try catching it," Tycho deadpanned almost immediately before breaking out into a grin to show that it was a joke. He chuckled at the mention of Williams. "He's around here somewhere. Probably spying or off flirting with that pretty ghost on the other block. " Tycho said, unsure himself where Williams had gone off to. He did have his own unlife that Tycho didn't generally keep track of.
"But come! You just got off work, you must be knackered off your feet." Rather than some sort of dining chair as one might expect from a dining table, he had set the food out on a table that had fluffy, cushioned armchairs instead.
"But come! You just got off work, you must be knackered off your feet." Rather than some sort of dining chair as one might expect from a dining table, he had set the food out on a table that had fluffy, cushioned armchairs instead.