6 May 1891
My Favored One,You are far too clever a man to do much besides argue with such ridiculous busybodies. I wonder if they can tell the Prewett twins apart or if they singled out Felix based on profession alone. If Watchword and her conspirators think to expose any secrets of mine, I fear they have met their match. You are better suited to get to the heart of such things, but what fun would it be if I simply gave you the key to such puzzles?
My dear sir, you know the principles of trade better than most. Would it be prudent of me to offer you my favor indefinitely? That seems a rather foolish bargain, for what else could I offer for something as intimate as your stories?
But do not think of it in such inelegant terms. You renew my favor with every letter and every time I see your gifts. You are still safe in my esteem.
You have already solved a mystery, it seems. The invitation comes from my father. I am torn between cautioning and congratulating you. If you plan on attending, there are a few things you should know. But do I dare to tell you?
The Corvo that flew the nest
The Corvo that flew the nest