The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
She could understand that feeling, it was exactly what she'd felt ever since she'd last seen him. What if he never looked at her the same way because she was no longer the person he'd thought her to be? What if every time he looked at her all he saw was disappointment, dismay? Reuben had so much more on his shoulders than she did - most of it undeserved she thought - how his knees weren't buckling beneath the weight of it she didn't know. Maybe that's what he was saying now though, maybe they were.
It will with time, I know it. It was only a matter of time before people grew tired of making him out to be a monstrous libertine and there would come a time when he'd be known for the good, kindhearted man that he was. Provided his wife didn't find more ways to invite unwarranted scrutiny upon him. Even after everything you said, she paused at the distasteful memory of his words, I know you had your reasons to say it, I know who you are. No one can possibly know you without seeing how decent and good you are.
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