Character: Valerian Macnair
They inherited their moral compass from... Mariana Macnair and also a healthy fear of Mariana Macnair.
Their default level of inhibition is... Very high. He usually doesn't do dangerous things unless he can work around them in the event they go wrong.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? He has, but doesn't like it very much.
...drink liquor? Firewhiskey and rum <3
...take opium? He probably tried some before becoming a healer (see: escapades w/ Art) but never got hooked on it.
...take other drugs? Probably not.
...smoke? Cigars but only when other men are doing it.
Their drink of choice is: Expensive French wine.
Their relaxation method of choice is: Wine, reading, obsessively reorganizing his wine bottles and books.
Would they have sex for... No.
...favors? Depends on the favor but probably yes.
...something else? If Valerian can find a good excuse to have sex he probably will.
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them?: A few conversations.
How far have they gotten IC?: He had sex with his male cousin.
Do they know about STDs?: ... yes?
Do they know about birth control?: Considering he does not regularly canoodle women, no.
Do they / would they ever use birth control?: He would if he knew about it (and if he was actively involved with women).
Do they know gay men exist?: He has an intimate knowledge of this, actually.
Do they know lesbians exist?: No but somehow he'd find a way to judge them for it. Probably not on a moral level but rather because it sounds very impractical in practice.
Have they ever been arrested?: No.
Have they ever committed a crime?: Yes.
What would it take to get them to commit a crime?: Being an asshole, apparently.
Do they gamble?: Socially.
... on races/sporting events?: Yes.
... on investments?: No.
Do they have tattoos? No.