Oh Merlin, he hoped her sisters hadn't been trampled. Informing her parents of his bold actions was already going to be difficult without the added complication of having caused harm to her sisters. (Not that Dory was much concerned what her parents thought of him, but rather he simply didn't wish to have to deal with any outrage.) "I must confess I didn't notice if the horse injured anyone else," he admitted somewhat sheepishly.
"A proper fuss, I'd imagine." Dory wasn't a huge fan of his siblings knowing he was in the hospital, either, but it had to be different with women. "Would you like me to send a note to your parents?"
"A proper fuss, I'd imagine." Dory wasn't a huge fan of his siblings knowing he was in the hospital, either, but it had to be different with women. "Would you like me to send a note to your parents?"