30th April, 1891 — Wizengamot Office
Quite why the Wizengamot were gathering for the sake of the Cuckoo Clock Curser Marlena did not know - he was hardly the most dastardly criminal mind of the century but she had been ordered to deliver her report on the nature of the charm to the appropriate office and so here she was with the file in hand. Unfortunately she was either too early or had read the wrong date entirely as there was no one to be seen outside the Wizengamot courtroom except for the scribe who was seated behind her desk.
"Excuse me, do you know where I ought to leave this?" She asked the woman. "Experimental charms sent it down and I've only just finished my report...I haven't missed the trial have I?" Panic entered her voice: even Lena did not wish to cross paths with the Chief Warlock.
![[Image: NKWBLG7.png]](https://i.imgur.com/NKWBLG7.png)
MJ: still raising the graphics bar as of 2022