Character: Tycho Dodonus
They inherited their moral compass from... Influece of those around him mixed with his own innate lack of it.
Their default level of inhibition is... Almost non-existent
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? Yes
...drink liquor? Yes
...take opium? Yes
...take other drugs? Probably yes
...smoke? Yes
Their drink of choice is: Scotch
Their relaxation method of choice is: Sex but also reading books with/for his spectral bestie
Would they have sex for... Unlikely
...favors? Maybe
...something else? probably
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? Not well at all
How far have they gotten IC? Very far, probably
Do they know about STDs? Yes
Do they know about birth control? Yes
Do they / would they ever use birth control? He does if he remembers to.
Do they know gay men exist? Yes
Do they know lesbians exist? Yes
Have they ever been arrested? No
Have they ever committed a crime? Yes. He is kind of - technically - committing a mild one in his first thread xD
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? Nothing much
Do they gamble? Yes
... on races/sporting events? Yep
... on investments? Yep
Do they have tattoos? Yes. He has a couple of tattoos that signify his various astrology signs.