"No. Absolutely not, thank you anyhow." Clifford needed to focus on the two women, but the only real hope they had at getting home was limping like an invalid and Clifford had no desire to be eaten by a monster squid. Pushing himself to standing, damn it everything hurt, Clifford approached the limping man and aimed his wand at the injured limb. The binding around it fell away and a rather audible pop - hopefully one of the smaller bones in the foot popping back into place - was followed by a new binding. "You're going to be limping until we can get the swelling managed, but at least you won't make things worse by hobbling on it now." Clifford shook his head, annoyed that he couldn't just fix everything right now, but he lacked the potions and the energy. God, how far from home were they now?
Raking a hand through his hair and scowling at the splintered mast that littered his hair, Clifford shot a wary look at the ruined mast and then the remaining sails. To Darrow and Sterling, "If we lose the creature, can you get us back to port?" If the answer was no, they needed to make some hard decisions now.
Raking a hand through his hair and scowling at the splintered mast that littered his hair, Clifford shot a wary look at the ruined mast and then the remaining sails. To Darrow and Sterling, "If we lose the creature, can you get us back to port?" If the answer was no, they needed to make some hard decisions now.